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Visual Studio extension. See values right in your code.


By RevDeBug

In this article, you will find out how to highlight the values in code with Visual Studio. We will show you a free alternative for all paid applications. No more writing everything into the watch. See values right in your C# code during debugging.

RevDeBug Value Prompter – a free Visual Studio feature for C# developers

RevDeBug is a Visual Studio extension, created to give you the ability to implement the reverse debugging technology into your own projects. You’ll find Value Prompter as one of the tools in the package. This feature is FOREVER FREE – even after your trial license for the RevDeBug package expires.

How to get Value Prompts? Just download the RevDeBug extension from the Microsoft Marketplace, or directly from within Visual Studio. After the installation is finished, you will be asked to register. After that, you will receive 14 days of trial for the whole program, and forever free Value Prompts [valid after trial expires]. 

How to use Value Prompts? A free version of RevDeBug gives you the ability to highlight the values during debugging sessions. To see them, define the breakpoint and start the debugging session. After upgrading RevDeBug to one of the paid versions, you will be able to see values not only from already finished debugging sessions, but also download data also from production and testing. 

RevDeBug vs. RevDeBug Prompter – what’s the difference?

While surfing the web, you may encounter the old RevDeBug Prompter extension. This extension is no longer supported and updated by our team. For this reason, we rather recommend downloading the newest version of RevDeBug instead, which is fully supported and gives you even more than just RevDeBug Prompter.

Check the values from all iterations of the loops.

Value Prompter can check the values from all iterations of the loops and all methods called from the past. RevDeBug is called Time Machine for Visual Studio. It is, therefore, no surprise that we provide more and more updates that allow you to understand the workflow of your application better.

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