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Third-Party Software Usage And Licenses

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Microsoft Roslyn — Microsoft .NET Compiler (Read license terms)

WPF Contrib — Collection of WPF controls and utility classes (Read license terms)

Bouncy Castle — Lightweight cryptography API (Read license terms)

Json.NET — JSON framework for .NET (Read license terms)

NuGet Client Tools — Provides the ability to produce and consume NuGet packages (Read license terms)

DotNet SDK — Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects (Read license terms)

Apache SkyWalking — Opensource APM system (Read license terms)

Java agent plugin extensions for Apache SkyWalking (Read license terms)

C# agent for Apache SkyWalking (Read license terms)

GoGo Protobuf library (Read license terms)

Gengo GRPC Gateway (Read license terms)

Monaco editor (Read license terms)

Keycloak — Access Management For Modern Applications and Services (Read license terms)

PostgreSQL — Object-relational database system (Read license terms)

Opensearch — RESTful search engine (Read license terms)

Nginx (Read license terms)

Rrweb — Open source web session replay library (Read license terms)

Elasticsearch —  RESTful Search Engine (Read license terms)

NodeJS Agent Apache  SkyWalking (Read license terms)

Python Agent Apache  SkyWalking (Read license terms)